The future of our local Church depends directly on the state of vocations to the priesthood. On Tuesday, August 22 at 7pm on Facebook Live, our Archdiocesan Vocations Director, Fr. Stephen DeLacy, will give us a “State of Vocations Address” in which he will share with us the state of vocations in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and what you can do to create a culture of vocations that will contribute to the turning of the tide. This is a matter of great importance for all Catholics of the Archdiocese – please join us!
Help create a Culture of Vocations throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia!
Join Fr. Stephen DeLacy, Vocation Director, and the staff of the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood for the State of Vocations Address. This Facebook LIVE event is for everyone!
Tune in to this event on Tuesday, August 22nd at 7:00pm to see how you and your parish, school, family, community can help create a culture of vocations!!!
Please share this email with your friends and fellow parishioners so they have the link to our event well in advance.
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