Your help is needed today. I understand you have many demands on your time, but this is urgent and you can make a positive difference in a minute.
The Senate is poised to consider the health care reform bill and now is the moment to let our members know that we expect life and liberty of conscience to be respected in any health care reform legislation.
Please contact your Senators now to urge them to extend the protections of the Hyde Amendment to every relevant provision of the bill. Now is also our opportunity to remind our legislators to protect the conscience rights of those who do not wish to participate in, provide or pay for abortion.
Every Pro-Life Senator needs to hear from us right now! There is significant pressure being put on members of the Senate to compromise on protections that must be included in the health care law. Please encourage your Senators — especially those who vote pro-life! Make sure they understand we want and demand health care without abortion funding. Let’s be sure the Senate hears our voice loud and clear!
Thank you for taking action in defense of life and liberty of conscience. Together we will be heard!