Tell Your State Senator you are unhappy with their NO VOTE on SB3
Your State Senator was one to vote NO on SB3, legislation that would save lives in Pennsylvania and bring our laws up-to-date with modern medical advancements.
Please call Senator your state senator and express you unhappy with their opposition to SB3.
I know you must think it unfathomable that anyone would oppose an effort to stop abortions when the baby can survive on its own. And how can we continue as a just society if we deem it ok to let an unborn baby literally bleed to death through a dismemberment abortion.
That’s what SB3 would correct here in Pennsylvania. But that’s exactly what Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups are trying to stop; encouraging calls to State Senators to express their “outrage” for supporting this pro-life bill. This is all the more reason why we encourage you to talk with your State Senator about their opposition to SB3.
Here is the full roll call for SB3:
- YEA: Alloway, Argall, Aument, Bartolotta, Brewster, Brooks, Browne, Corman, DiSanto, Eichelberer, Folmer, Gordner, Greenleaf, Hutchinson, Killion, Langerholc, Martin, McGarrigle, Mensch, Rafferty, Regan, Reschenthaler, Scarnati, Scavello, Stefano, Tomlinson, Vogel, Vulakovich, Wagner, Ward, White, Yaw.
- NAY: Baker, Blake, Boscola, Costa, Dinniman, Farnese, Fontana, Haywood, Hughes, Laughlin, Leach, McIlhinney, Sabatina, Schwank, Street, Tartaglione, Williams, Yudichak.
Reasons to Support SB3
During the debate on the Senate Floor over SB3, one Senator shared a personal story that makes such a compelling case for why this legislation is necessary. Click here to watch his brief testimony.
If you would like to learn more about SB3 or would appreciate having something you can share with family and friends to help inform them about the legislation, we have some resources available now on our website:
PA Family Council Urges President Trump to Protect Religious Liberty
Pennsylvania Family Council has joined allied organizations and hundreds of thousands of American families across the nation to urge President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to fulfill their campaign promise to uphold and protect religious liberty in our nation.
Click here to read the letter.
If you would like to join us in this effort to encourage President Trump to sign an Executive Order protecting religious liberty, you can do so by:
- Emailing President Trump via the White House Contact Page
- Calling the White House at: 202-456-6213
For more:
More Pro-Life News
- #ProtestPP Rallies this Saturday: On February 11th, people across the country will take to the streets to demand our government stops funding Planned Parenthood – the nation’s largest abortion business that received nearly half-a-billion dollars in taxpayer funding. There are over a dozen PA protests scheduled at Planned Parenthood facilities – get all the details at
- Planned Parenthood Scrubs “Prenatal Care” From Website After Caught Denying It to Women ( – As part of Live Action‘s investigation nationwide and our own investigation here in Pennsylvania, Planned Parenthood was caught advertising “prenatal services” when in fact most facilities nationwide and all Planned Parenthood clinics in PA offer no such care.
- Get your free copy of Extreme: Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania. For more, visit
Pennsylvania Family Council
23 N Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
717-545-0600 |