5:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass

Thank you to all of the families who participated in the 5:00 PM Mass on Christmas Eve!

It was a beautiful celebration with many children in attendance.  Here are some photos from the Mass during Monsignor’s Homily.

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Throughout the year, every week during the 11:00 Mass, two ministries for Children take place.  This is a great opportunity for parents with young children to participate in Mass with their entire family.

Children ages 2-5 can participate in Little Church, a childcare service from 10:45 am – 12:15 pm while the rest of their family attends Mass.  Little Church is more than just a church nursery.  It introduces the children to Jesus Christ through prayer and song.  Pre-Registration information will be forthcoming soon.

A second program offered is Children’s Liturgy of the Word.  This program is for children in kindergarten through second grade.  During the 11:00 am Mass, the children are led by a catechist to the chapel in the Parish Center where they listen to and discuss an age appropriate version of that Sunday’s Gospel.

Both ministries are open to all children from the parish including those with disabilities.

Adult as well as teen volunteers are needed for both of these ministries.  For those who feel called to the ministry of children and would like to assist with either of these programs, please contact Alixandra Holden at 215-946-1115, or e-mail aholden@saintfrancescabrini.net



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