Temporary Victory on PA Bathroom Bills in HOUSE & SENATE

Temporary Victory on PA Bathroom Bills in HOUSE &SENATE.


Thank you to everyone who contacted their State Senator regarding SB 1306, SB 1307 and SB 974. Because of the amount of phone calls received and the important concerns you shared with your senators, the committee vote that was scheduled for Wednesday morning was canceled!

This is only a temporary victory because the vote could still come up as early as Monday next week. We will continue to keep you informed and alert you if and when another vote is scheduled. Please keep praying!


Another temporary victory came this week in the House on what is called a “discharge resolution” to advance HB 1510, “The Bathroom Bill” which would open women’s bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms & dorms to men and boys that self-identify otherwise. There was no vote this week, but it could come up again as early as Wednesday next week.

Thank you for all of your calls and emails! Please keep praying! We will continue to keep you informed and alert you if another vote is scheduled.


Plan to join us in Harrisburg Monday, June 27 for the Defend My Privacy Rally. Invite your friends and family! Click on the “Yes, I’ll be there” button to RSVP. You can also sign up to ride a bus, we have buses leaving from Lancaster, Reading, Millersburg, Gibsonia, Monroeville and Washington, Pa.

Pennsylvania Family Council

23 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

717-545-0600 | pafamily.org

Help bring people to Harrisburg for the rally.

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