Update and Renewed Call to Action

Dear Friend,

It has been just over two weeks since I wrote to ask you to advocate for the Conscience Protection Act of 2016, (H.R. 4828) which will protect pro-life health care providers. You may recall that we are currently striving to have 218 co-sponsors. The current co-sponsor count is 26, so we still need 174 to get to our minimum goal of 200 co-sponsors.

Won’t you please contact your member in the House right now to urge support for this much-needed legislation? Even if you have already responded to the alert, please do so again. You may be encouraged to know that a powerful coalition of pro-life advocacy and medical groups has just issued a joint letter to the House urging support for the bill.

The coalition letter provides persuasive arguments which may be helpful for those of us with members who do not yet see the value of these common-sense protections. “Federal laws protecting conscientious objection to abortion have been approved for decades by Congresses and Presidents of both parties. Even many ‘pro-choice’ Americans realize that the logic of their position requires them to respect a choice not to be involved in abortion,” they wrote. “Yet it is increasingly clear that the current laws offer far less protection in practice than in theory.”

Thank you for taking action right now in suppport of our cherished rights of life and liberty.

Together we will be heard!

Amy McInerny
Executive Director

P.S. You can read the full text of the coalition letter here.

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