43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Protect Pro-Life Health Care Providers!

The following is a message from Amy McInerny, Exceutive Director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

As we prepare to mark the 43rd anniversary of the fatal Roe v. Wade decision, thousands of you are already streaming into Washington, DC to stand up for the right to life. Whether you are walking the halls of Congress tomorrow or at home, I ask your help in letting Congress know what we expect. Although we were disappointed by Congress’ failure in December 2015 to pass even a modest measure to safeguard our freedom of conscience represented by the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act, we are not giving up. We will continue to fight for conscience rights for all who reject abortion and we encourage you to keep standing with us. Please speak up for the conscience rights of pro-life health care providers today. Click here.

In his statement on the 43rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Timothy Cardinal Dolan recently noted the “rising opposition of some political leaders to the very notion of the right of conscience on abortion. A few years ago, for example, President Obama pledged to defend the conscience rights of those who do not accept abortion, and his Administration assured us that longstanding federal laws protecting these rights must be fully enforced.  Yet in the final days of 2015, he and other Democratic leaders were unwilling to support the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act, a modest measure to provide for effective enforcement of these laws…”

Tell Congress to enact the protections outlined in ANDA. Let’s make sure Congress can hear America’s majority voice loud and clear.Take action then tell as many people as you can to join us. Together we will be heard!

Amy McInerny
Executive Director

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