You Can Help Protect Pro-life Health Care Providers

The following is a message from Amy McInerny, Executive Director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment:

I know this is one of the most hectic seasons of the year, but I am writing because I know you are never too busy to take a stand in defense of life and liberty. Even if you have recently sent a message, please urge Congress again to protect conscience rights for pro-life health care providers. Click here.

Congress has to pass funding for the 2016 Fiscal Year very soon. So our time to advocate for protections is limited. The Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA) will close loopholes in existing law and provide a private right of action, so that health care providers, whose freedom of conscience is denied, can defend their rights in court. It is now part of the House of Representatives’ appropriations bill for funding HHS. The policy of ANDA has long had bi-partisan support and ANDA’s enactment will simply mean that existing law will be made stronger and easier to use in defense of conscience rights.

Please urge your members of Congress to make sure ANDA is enacted into law as part of the 2016 Fiscal Year funding legislation. Government must not force Americans to violate their religious and moral beliefs about respect for life when they provide health services.

Today, please

  • Take action and then share this call to action
  • Repost the alert across your social media platforms
  • Follow us on Twitter @NCHLA then repost our tweets using #StandWithCathy
  • Personalize your message. It will stand out if you add a phrase or sentence to personalize your email, i.e. As a medical professional; As a woman and a physician/nurse; As a patient who relies on a pro-life medical provider…

Remember, more detailed information is available on our website, Also, you can learn more about the real people and services whose freedoms have been denied by going to theConscience page of the USCCB.

We must speak up now to protect our cherished right of conscience.  Thank you for acting in defense of life and liberty. Tell everyone you know to join us in raising our voices. Together we will be heard!

Amy McInerny
Executive Director




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