VICTORY! Two wins to tell you about

Victory for Local Ministry Allows Them to Continue Sharing the Gospel to School Children

Joy El Ministry school busJoy El Ministries was within weeks of being forced to completely shutdown their ministry to over 3,000 children in Pennsylvania they serve every week through released time educational programming. But a court ruling this week changed everything.

Thanks to a favorable ruling by a Federal District Judge, Joy El Ministries can now continue to have its volunteer drivers and buses back on the road.

The Independence Law Center, the pro-bono legal ministry of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, is grateful for their partnership with the Smith Law Group in this matter.

“This ruling not only benefits Joy El and the children they serve, but we all benefit when our freedoms are protected.” – Randall Wenger, Chief Counsel – Independence Law Center. Full story.



U.S. Senate votes to redirect funds away from Planned Parenthood – Toomey supports; Casey opposes


Thank you Senator ToomeyIt’s evident that our elected officials are listening to us regarding Planned Parenthood and the plea to end taxpayer funding of the abortion giant. Last night, the U.S. Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood – action the U.S. House of Representatives already agreed upon; making it the first time in history both chambers have agreed to defund Planned Parenthood.

This action redirects Federal money to women’s health care organizations that provide far greater health benefits to women than Planned Parenthood does.

Thousands of Pennsylvanians used our Citizen Action Center through pafamily.orgto tell both Senators Pat Toomey and Bob Casey to redirect funds away from Planned Parenthood.

Senator Toomey listened to those contacts and voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Please contact him to express your thanks: Phone: (202) 224-4254 | Email: Click here | Twitter: @SenToomey

Sadly, Senator Casey continued to side with abortion by voting with Planned Parenthood and to keep our taxdollars funding the abortion giant. Please contact him to express your disappointment with his vote: Phone: 202-224-6324 | Email: Click here | Twitter: @SenBobCasey

***The state of Pennsylvania should redirect State money away from Planned Parenthood as well. Several states have already taken action to stop state funding to Planned Parenthood. Pennsylvania has an opportunity to shift taxdollars away from the abortion giant and to give it to more comprehensive health care providers.

– Contact your state officials about redirecting our taxdollars away from Planned Parenthood by supporting the Whole Women’s Health Funding Priorities Act (HB 1623).


To read the complete FAMILY UPDATE from the Pennsylvania Family Institute and Council , Click HERE.

Protect the Family. Preserve the Future.
Address: 23 N Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17101
Phone: 717-545-0600
Our pro-life, pro-family work is made possible from the generous support we receive from families across Pennsylvania. Donate today.
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