Top 3 Legislative Items You Should Know About

1) Stop the so-called “Fairness Act” – HB 1510 / SB 974

Stand for True FairnessSummary: Proposal would create a special status for “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” into law; which in other states is being used to force business owners to participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies, even if it violates their faith or conscience, and schools to open women’s restrooms/locker rooms to biologically male students. Also, this proposal would force Christian schools and ministries to hire faculty and staff who do not follow their statement of faith and conduct.

Status: HB 1510 & SB 974 are still in the House and Senate State Government committee – no vote has taken place. Real potential exists for this dangerous proposal to be added as an amendment to other bills, so it’s critical your State Senator and State Representative will vote “No” on any such action.

Action: This continues to be the top priority for special interest groups who worked to redefine marriage and now want to attack religious freedom. Please email, call and/or visit your State Representative and State Senator about this controversial legislation.

Also, for resources on why we should oppose the so-called “Fairness Act,” visit our website at And share the action alert:

2) Shift money away from Planned Parenthood – HB 1623

Defund Planned ParenthoodSummary: The Whole Women’s Health Funding Priorities Act – introduced by Representatives Paul Schemel and Judy Ward – would maximize available health-care funding by prioritizing it for the most comprehensive options and away fromthe very limited services of abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

Status: Introduced to the State House Health committee.

Action: Be in touch with your State Representative in support of HB 1623.

3) No Tax on Poverty: Stop online gambling in Pennsylvania – HB 649

No on Online GamblingSummary: Some PA lawmakers are considering an expansion of gambling beyond casinos and into online outlets to allow access by every household throughout the state. Online gambling provides an easy gateway to reach children and minors, targets the poor, would fuel gambling addiction and is riddled with false revenue predictions.

Status: Remains a potential bargaining chip in passing a state budget. HB 649 is currently in the House Gaming Oversight committee.

Action: Email your State Senator and State Representative and tell them this would be a bad idea.


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