Dear Friend, 

Earlier today a video was released that showed a Planned Parenthood senior employee casually eating dinner while discussing their practice of selling body parts from aborted babies.  Yes, you read that right.


Not only does Planned Parenthood sell more abortions than anybody else in America, they apparently also sell the remains of the babies whose lives they ended.


I encourage you to watch the video for yourself: pafamily.org/2015/07/stoppayingpp




I’m sure you’ll agree, as I do, with how Dr. Russell Moore reacted:


“If this does not shock the conscience, what will? It is not only that infants, in their mother’s wombs, are deprived of their lives, but also that their corpses are desecrated for profit. This is not only murderous; it is murderous in the most ghoulish way imaginable.”


This is sadly yet another reason why Planned Parenthood should not be receiving our tax dollars. As we highlighted during our Life Action Day rally at the Capitol in April, Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania continue to receive millions of our tax dollars – over $7,000,000 in 2013.


With our legislature and governor debating an overdue budget, may I encourage you to remind your elected officials in Harrisburg that taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood must end. Click here to send them an email or go to tinyurl.com/stoppayingplannedparenthood.


For years, Pennsylvania Family Council, with your help, has worked hard against Planned Parenthood – whether effectively helping stop them from opening an abortion clinic in Lancaster – to thwarting their efforts to mandate explicit, perverse sex education on Pennsylvania’s school children. Our work is effective, and needs your continued support. Please consider a generous contribution today.


And join us in praying that we will soon see an end to abortion on demand in Pennsylvania and across America.


For life and family,


Michael Greer Signature




Michael Geer, President



Pennsylvania Family Council is your voice in the state capitol, and provides a platform for informing, inspiring and motivating those who care deeply about the family to greater involvement. We are financially supported by concerned citizens like you – please consider making a secure online donation today to help our efforts. Thank you.

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