PLEASE READ – House Vote Expected Soon On Religious Liberty

A letter from Amy McInerny, the Executive Director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment


Dear Friend,

There is breaking news from Capitol Hill!  H.J. Res. 43 which is the resolution of disapproval of The Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment Act (RHNDA) has been added to the schedule for the House floor tomorrow. A vote is expected byFriday.  Even if you have already sent a message, please contact your members of Congress right now to tell them to stop this unprecedented attack on our religious liberty.

The vote is in the House however the Senate has yet to take action. Renew your request to Congress to rescind RHNDA and HRAA (Human Rights Amendment Act). Click here

Time is short. Please act now!

Spread the word. Together we are being heard.

Amy McInerny
Executive Director


P.S. For more information about these bills, please read our Legislative Report.

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