




On Tuesday evening May 5th at 7:00 PM, the Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community will be gathering for the annual May Procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


At this time, Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community is especially inviting their students at Holy Family Regional Catholic School to join in this special evening. The Parish Community’s Eighth graders are asked to wear their graduation gown, the Confirmation students are asked to wear their Confirmation robe, and the First Communion students are asked to wear their First Communion outfits and the fifth and seventh grade altar servers are asked to wear their alb. All other students are asked to join in the procession wearing their Holy Family Regional Catholic School winter uniform.


The annual May Procession provides a wonderful opportunity for all our parishioners to give public witness of our love and devotion to the Blessed Mother.  Our Regional School students are all asked to join our Parish Religious Education Program students by gathering in the Father Laut School Building by 6:40 PM. 


In the event of bad weather, we ask that you go directly to church, and follow the direction of the ushers.


Our May procession is a unique and fitting way to acknowledge and honor the special role of Our Blessed Mother in the life of Church and in the lives of our families, please plan on joining the Parish Community for the Annual May Procession.

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