For Love Alone
Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
Vianney Auditorium
Monday, May 4, 2015 at 7pm
An unprecedented documentary highlighting the lives of religious sisters across the United States, For Love Alone emphasizes the risk and reward of letting everything go for God. The challenging questions of the modern world: ~Does life have meaning? Is God real?~ find a new and unexpected response in the sisters’ bold proclamation that God is enough to satisfy the de-sires of the human heart.
Mother Mary Clare Roufs, ACJ, and Sr. Clare Matthias, CFR, worked closely with
Grassroots Films in the conceptualization, filming, and production of this 18 minute film.
They will be present at this pre-screening to talk about the vision of the film and answer
questions. This event is open to all who work with youth and young adults.
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