
There are many issues on the minds of Catholic voters in this election. On November 4, Election Day in the Commonwealth, we have important political choices to make.

The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference invited both candidates for Pennsylvania governor to share their views. Incumbent Governor Tom Corbett (Republican) sat down for an in-person interview and completed a written questionnaire. Democratic candidate Tom Wolf declined the PCC’s interview invitation and did not respond to the candidate questionnaire. Therefore, we’ve compiled information about his views from his campaign website and public statements.

Click here to meet the candidates for governor in Pennsylvania.

The dioceses of Pennsylvania also surveyed local candidates. Click here to learn more about your local candidates.

Endorsements are another way to learn about candidates. Click here to read about some of the endorsements the candidates have garnered.

Voting is a crucial part of representing our Catholic faith in the public square.  Before you head to the polls on Tuesday, November 4, learn about the candidates and their positions on important issues.

St. Thomas More, patron saint of politicians, pray for us!

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