We are forwarding this message on behalf of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment:

September 26, 2013

Dear Friend,

It is important that you act now! Members of Congress should be urged to work for approval of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940. S. 1204) as part of ‘must-pass’ legislation they are now considering: a Continuing Resolution, or CR, to keep the government funded on a temporary basis, and a bill to raise the federal debt ceiling. Please click on the link below to send messages to your Representative and two Senators as well as to Speaker Boehner.

The new fiscal year starts October 1. A CR of some kind must be passed by that date to keep the government funded on a temporary basis. The federal debt ceiling issue also must be resolved within the next month or so.

Some background. Under the new health care law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requires most health plans to cover “preventive services for women,” including drugs and procedures that many citizens find objectionable for moral and religious reasons.  These objectionable items include sterilization, FDA-approved birth control (such as the IUD, Depo-Provera, “morning-after” pills, and the abortion-inducing drug Ella), and “education and counseling” to promote these to all “women of reproductive capacity,” including minor girls.  Under the final rule released by HHS on June 28, the mandate allows only a very narrow exemption for a “religious employer,” chiefly aimed at what HHS calls “houses of worship.”  Other religious organizations offering education, health care and charitable services do not qualify for the exemption. The mandate will be enforced against them beginning January 1, 2014, under an “accommodation” that only changes the way the objectionable items must be provided to all employees and their dependents. There is no exemption or delay for individuals, for non-religious pro-life organizations, or for businesses owned and operated by families with moral or religious objections.

Thanks for all you do in support of life.

Michael Taylor
Executive Director

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