The annual installation of members of the St. Frances Cabrini Parish Pastoral Council was held on Sunday, January 6th during the 11:00 AM Mass.  Family members and parishioners looked on as the Council members were called forward to the sanctuary where Monsignor McCormac acknowledged the responsibility of their ministry of service and prayed a blessing over them.   The congregation then expressed their support through applause.

Parish Pastoral Council members serve to advise and make recommendations to the the Pastor with regard to pastoral issues and planning for the vitality of the Parish.  Council members also serve as a vehicle through which all members of the Parish may share ideas concerning the Parish Community.   The first meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council for the new year will be held on Thursday, January 10th.  For a listing of Parish Pastoral Council members, please refer to the Our Parish tab on the home page of the Parish website.

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