Join the NCHLA and take action!

Please join in urging Congress to support our cherished rights of conscience and religious liberty. Policy is being considered right now on Capitol Hill that can protect the freedom of all Americans.  Please take action today!

Now is the time to urge Congress to work to enact critically important conscience protections this year. Such protections will likely be included in a soon-to-be-introduced appropriations bill, but House members should be urged to ensure that it remains a high priority and goes into law.  Senators should also be called upon to help ensure passage of these needed protections. Please take action today to contact Congress. 

Just follow this link to our Human Life Action Center.

The need for legislation protecting the rights of conscience and religious liberty has grown more pressing. The Obama Administration’s contraceptive/abortifacient mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) began to be enforced against religious nonprofit schools, charities and health care providers on January 1, 2014. More recently the state of California started forcing all health insurers in the state to include elective abortions in the health plans they sell. These two problems are addressed by the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940). It would add a long-overdue conscience clause to the ACA, and strengthen the Weldon amendment that forbids governmental bodies which receive federal Health and Human Services funds from discriminating against those who decline to take part in abortion or abortion coverage. Congress should work to enact the policy of H.R. 940 this year.

Thank you for once again raising your voice in defense of life and liberty. Together we will be heard!

Amy McInerny
Executive Director of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

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