Baptism gives us new life. Through the waters of baptism we are united with Jesus Christ and we become a new creation through the power of the Holy Spirit. All sin is washed away and we begin life anew as children of God. As newly created children of God, we are members of the Church-God’s family, God’s people. Thus, through Baptism, not only do we have new life in Christ, we have a new life in the Church.
Here at Saint Frances Cabrini Parish baptisms are celebrated every first and third Sunday at 1:00 PM. Please call the Rectory 215-946-4040 for an appointment to make arrangements for a baptism. Pre-Jordan classes, required for parents and godparents, are given on the fourth Sunday of each month at 1:00 PM in the church.
In Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is a meal which shows our unity with God and God’s people, the Church. We celebrate the Eucharist at Mass when we come together as one family, united in Christ, to remember that Jesus gave us his body and blood at the Last Supper and told the disciples to continue his work on earth by serving and helping others. The Eucharist nourishes us with Christ’s own body so that we have the strength we need to continue Jesus’ work on earth.
Here at Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, the vigil Mass for Sunday is celebrated on Saturday evening at 5:30 PM. The Sunday Masses are celebrated at 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. The weekday Masses are celebrated Monday through Saturday at 9:30AM.
First Eucharist for Children
Children prepare for First Eucharist in their third year of Religious Studies at our Holy Family Regional Catholic School or in our Parish Religious Education Program.
Confirmation fills us with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit strengthens us to live as children of God united to Jesus Christ through Baptism. We receive the full out pouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of right judgment and courage, the spirit of knowledge and reverence, and the spirit of wonder and awe.
Confirmation for Children
Children prepare for Confirmation in their sixth year of Religious Studies at our Holy Family Regional Catholic School or in our Parish Religious Education Program.
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, also called Penance or Confession, the Church celebrates healing through the forgiveness of sins.
Here at Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM, or by appointment through the Rectory office.
First Reconciliation for Children
Children prepare for First Reconciliation in their second year of Religious Studies at our Holy Family Regional Catholic School or in our Parish Religious Education Program.
Annointing of the Sick
In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the Church prays that God will give the sick person help, strength and peace. The person who is sick is anointed on the forehead and hands with sacred oil of the sick. In this sacrament of healing, the community recalls Jesus’ suffering and prays that the one who is sick will receive hope, courage and healing.
Please inform the rectory office 215-946-4040 in the event of sickness or hospitalization.
The Sacrament of Marriage, a sacrament of vocation, celebrates the sacred union of wife and husband. In the Sacrament of Marriage, a woman and man enter a covenant or promise whereby they commit themselves to each other for life.
Here at St. Frances Cabrini Parish, arrangements for Marriage must be made at least six months in advance. Please contact the Rectory office for an appointment.
Holy Orders
The other sacrament of vocation, the Sacrament of Holy Orders, is one by which a man is ordained a priest in order to serve all the baptized. The priest is a minister and leader in the Church. Through Holy Orders a priest is sealed with the Holy Spirit and acts in the name and person of Jesus Christ.