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Bishops Send a Clear Message to US Government, No Funding for Abortion in Family Planning Programs
Statement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Statement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
USCCB Chairmen Applaud Supreme Court’s Respect for Religious Liberty in Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision
June 4, 2018
WASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The case involves a Christian baker named Jack Phillips who declined in 2012 to create a custom wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony. State officials sought to compel Phillips to create such cakes under Colorado’s public accommodations law. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 in favor of Phillips under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Chairman of the Committee for Religious Liberty, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., of Philadelphia, Chairman of the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, and Bishop James D. Conley of Lincoln, Chairman of the Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), issued the following joint statement:
“Today’s decision confirms that people of faith should not suffer discrimination on account of their deeply held religious beliefs, but instead should be respected by government officials. This extends to creative professionals, such as Jack Phillips, who seek to serve the Lord in every aspect of their daily lives. In a pluralistic society like ours, true tolerance allows people with different viewpoints to be free to live out their beliefs, even if those beliefs are unpopular with the government.”
The USCCB filed an amicus curiae brief supporting Masterpiece Cakeshop, which can be found here: http://www.usccb.org/about/general-counsel/amicus-briefs/upload/16-111-tsac-USCCB.pdf.
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Important Update Regarding Foster Care and Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
BREAKING: Philly foster families ask court to stop City from shutting down critical foster care services
Philadelphia families speak up against the City’s harmful new policy
For Immediate Release: May 17, 2018
Media Contact: Melinda Skea | media@becketlaw.org | 202-349-7224
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sharonell Fulton and other foster parents asked a Philadelphia court late yesterday to end a new City policy that is leaving foster homes sitting empty while the City is in a foster care crisis. In Sharonell Fulton, et al. v. City of Philadelphia, the City must answer for its decision to stop allowing Catholic Social Services to place children in foster homes, solely because the City disagrees with the agency’s religious beliefs – a decision the City is threatening to make permanent on June 30.
In March, the City of Philadelphia issued an urgent call for 300 new foster parents to provide loving homes for some of the over 6,000 kids in Philadelphia foster care. That same month, the City abruptly barred Catholic Social Services, one of the city’s top-rated foster agencies, from placing children with foster families. This decision makes it exponentially harder for hundreds of children in need of foster care to find homes. Foster homes are sitting empty, even as the city begs for more families to help in its foster care crisis.
“What justice is there in taking stable, loving homes away from children? If the City cuts off Catholic Social Services from foster care, foster moms like me won’t have the help and support they need to care for special-needs kids,” said Sharonell Fulton, a foster mother. “I have relied on Catholic Social Services for support for years, and the City is taking away this help and causing harm and heartache to countless families like mine.”
Sharonell has been a foster parent for over 25 years and has opened her home to over 40 children, including two children currently in her care. She strives to provide a loving, stable home and treat each child as if they were her own. To do that, Sharonell relies on Catholic Social Services’ help, including around-the-clock support and access to information and resources.
Catholic Social Services and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia have been serving children throughout Philadelphia for over a century. Their Catholic mission drives them to find loving homes for all children in their care, regardless of the child’s race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity. Catholic Social Services currently serves over 100 children in foster homes. No family or individual has ever complained that the agency’s Catholic mission prevented them from fostering or adopting a child.
“For a city with so much history, the people in charge have a pretty short memory,” said Lori Windham, senior counsel at Becket, which represents the families, children and Catholic Social Services. “For a century, Catholic Social Services has been serving children in Philadelphia. Those children are the ones hurt by the City’s actions.”
Sharonell Fulton, Cecelia Paul, Toni Simms-Busch, and Catholic Social Services are represented by Becket, and have asked the court to halt the City’s harmful policy. A hearing is expected later this year.
2018 Primary Voter’s Guide Now Available
2018 Primary Voter’s Guide Now Available
PaFamilyVoter.com – 2018 Primary Voter’s Guide
Covered races include: U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress, Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senate (even-numbered districts) and State House.
In addition to our PaFamilyVoter.com website, a printed postcard is available with the statewide races for U.S. Senate and Governor. To order bulk copies, click here.
Every election season, Pennsylvania Family Council offers resources to help you be an informed voter on Election Day. These resources are available thanks to the support we receive from families across Pennsylvania. To contribute to Pennsylvania Family Council in support of these resources, you may make a secure online donation or contact our office at 717-545-0600.
Election Day: Tuesday, May 15
I need you to read this! Senate Bill 613
For more than 20 years, Pennsylvania Family Council has raised concerns to lawmakers, our fellow citizens and ministry partners like you regarding proposals to create special classes in the law based on “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.” This is not unique to us; pro-family groups in Washington and all across the nation have also opposed such legislation because of the threat it poses to personal privacy and religious liberty.
Given these threats, and confusion about the issue here in Pennsylvania, I am sending you this important message:
Does the Bill that Sen. Wagner and Gov. Wolf Support Open Up Bathrooms, Showers & Locker Rooms to the Opposite Sex?
Is it a Bathroom Bill?
We’ve been receiving a lot of questions about Senate Bill 613, sponsored by Sen. Scott Wagner and strongly supported by Gov. Tom Wolf. The bill is sometimes referred to as the “bathroom bill.”
Statements by the bill’s supporters – whether in public or social media have brought serious confusion about whether the proposal would put personal privacy in bathrooms, showers and locker rooms at risk. Sen. Wagner, for example, has said “I am not supportive of boys and girls sharing bathrooms,” but continues to back the bill which many national and state groups say would jeopardize privacy, and allow the opposite sex into privacy facilities like bathrooms.
Let’s look at the facts:
SB 613 would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. Currently, there are 18 sponsors of the legislation in the State Senate, including 14 Democrats and 4 Republicans. Laws using essentially the same language elsewhere have opened up bathrooms, showers, dressing rooms, and locker rooms to persons of the opposite sex.
Here’s How:
Under the concept of “gender identity or expression,” a person’s gender is determined solely on the basis of what they think they are –not their anatomy. Thus, a person who is in every way physically/anatomically a male, but “identifies” as a female, under SB 613 cannot be denied entry into a women’s locker room, dressing room, shower or bathroom.
Others with significant expertise on the issue agree:
“If sexual orientation and gender identity were added to anti-discrimination law, then public accommodations couldn’t exclude transgender people from the restrooms that correspond to their gender identity ‘any more than you could exclude Muslims’ from an establishment.” Mariah Passarelli, a lawyer at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC who specializes in employment and anti-discrimination law. (This firm also lobbied for this proposal).
“Prohibiting individuals from using restrooms consistent with their gender identity would likely be interpreted to be discrimination based on gender identity in violation of the law.” Christy Mallory, of the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, a think tank that researches sexual orientation and gender law and public policy. (March 12, 2018 Philadelphia Inquirer)
Based on all the evidence and experience in other states with similar laws, SB 613 (and its companion bill in the House) would result in opening up showers, locker rooms, dressing rooms and bathrooms to members of the opposite sex that identify or express themselves otherwise. Those that care about personal privacy must oppose this legislation.
Additional resources:
- SB 613 Affects Bathrooms & Showers: Bill Language Comparison to Maine & Washington State.
- When a Politician Tells You: Is It a Bathroom Bill?
- Read the bill: Senate Bill 613
- Philadelphia Inquirer, Gender, bathroom wars and the Pa. GOP governor’s race: What are the issues?, March 12, 2018.
- Citizen Action Center: Tell your State Senator and State Representative to oppose SB 613: tinyurl.com/dontharmpa
- For details on the broader impact of this legislation, click here to download our eBook.
Did Netflix show kill Anna Bright?
Did Netflix show kill Anna Bright?
Monday, April 9, 2018
Watch the heartbreaking video about Anna Bright, a 14-year-old who committed suicide after binge-watching 13 Reasons Why. Anna’s parents contacted the American Family Association, asking us to help get the word out about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why. They shared their story with our film division.
On March 25, I sent a private letter to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, respectfully asking for a short meeting to discuss our concerns. The letter was ignored.
Season 1 was hugely popular. While it was airing last year, the web site for Teen Vogue said the series was Netflix’s most popular show on social media. Netflix plans to release a second season soon.
Read the AFA Journal feature about this series and its impact on the family of Anna Bright and others.
Even the mainstream media has publicized the potential dangers of 13 Reasons Why, and some schools here in America and abroad have sent home letters to warn parents about the series.
Those dangers are very real. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that suicide has risen to become the second-leading cause of death among teenagers.
Asking Netflix to drop this dangerous television series is the right thing to do. Please sign this petition, then share it as a way to warn other friends, family, and church members about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why.
Sign the petition demanding that NNetflix pull Season 1 of the series and cancel plans to air Season 2.
TAKE ACTION: Down Syndrome bill passes first hurdle. Now it’s our turn.
Moments ago, the first legislative step was taken in the Down Syndrome Protection Act – House Bill 2050 – with a passing vote out of the PA House Health Committee (17-9 bipartisan unofficial vote) chaired by State Representative Kathy Rapp. House Bill 2050 could come up on the House floor for debate as early as this Wednesday.
Know this: extreme abortion-on-demand advocates like Planned Parenthood were active today lobbying against this reasonable measure. Several misconceptions about this legislation are being spread through the Capitol and in the media. Your help to combat these attacks is vital to the success of the Down Syndrome Protection Act.
Here are three ways you can help this week to support the Down Syndrome Protection Act:
- Contact your State Representative (and State Senator) – visit their district office, call and/or email.
- To find their district office address or phone number, use our Find Your Legislator look-up tool.
- To email, use our Citizen Action Center: tinyurl.com/ValueAll
- Utilize our online resources to educate and share with others.
- Share our segment from our new webtool – WhenAPoliticianTellsYou.com – that offers a variety of resources on the question: When a politician tells you people with Down syndrome are being targeted, they’re absolutely right.
- Share stories of children born with Down syndrome and why this legislation is necessary: pafamily.org/alifeworthliving
- Read the bill yourself – it’s a really short bill because it simply adds “a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome” to the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act as a sole reason a woman cannot have an abortion. The law already states that a woman cannot have an abortion on the basis of sex selection. Passing the Down Syndrome Protection Act simply adds this additional reason. Here’s exactly what the bill states:
House Bill 2050 – “No abortion shall be deemed necessary if sought exclusively for either or both of the following reasons: (i) The sex of the unborn child. (ii) A prenatal diagnosis of, or belief that the unborn child has, Down syndrome.”
- Write a letter to the editor of your newspaper.
- Use these resources to help craft a short response pointing to the importance of this legislation. For some tips on writing these letters, click here.
Thank you for taking action this week to help bring protection to unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome.
World Down Syndrome Day: A 3-minute must-watch video
Today is World Down Syndrome Day and to celebrate, would you take five minutes for the following action steps?
Three minutes: Watch this video.
Karen Gaffney is perhaps the most eloquent and effective advocate for protecting the rights of people with Down syndrome. She came to Pennsylvania in support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act (House Bill 2050 & Senate Bill 1050) and delivered a powerful message. We just published the following video highlighting her rally speech – click here to watch.
One minute: Share this video.
Gaffney’s message is one we want all of Pennsylvania to know. Whether it’s forwarding this email or sharing it on Facebook, please help us spread this message.
In addition, if you would request your church or small group to play this video, click here to download the video.
One minute: Call your State Representative in support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act.
House Bill 2050 (and Senate Bill 1050) would prohibit an abortion of any child solely due to a prenatal diagnosis of possible Down syndrome. Lawmakers won’t act on this legislation unless they hear from you and me so would you please take a minute to call your State Representative today with this simple message (and leave a message if you get their voicemail):
“My name is Michael and I ask for your support of the Down Syndrome Protection Act – House Bill 2050.”
By our records, your State Representative is John T. Galloway 215-943-7206.
Just as Karen Gaffney put it during the Down Syndrome Protection Act rally:
“It was a wave of humanity that lifted us out of institutions, brought us home, got us into schools, and included us in the community of life, ladies and gentleman. And it will require another wave of humanity to STOP the targeting of Down syndrome around the world. It requires people like you to stand up for us and with us to help us show the world that Down syndrome is a life worth saving.”