New Setting for the Gloria

Saint Frances Cabrini Music Ministry will be introducing a new musical setting of the Gloria. Use the following link to hear the beautiful and uplifting version of the Gloria that we’ll soon be singing at the weekend Masses.

October Specials

Saint Frances Cabrini Closing Mass

On Sunday, June 29th, the 11:00 Mass will be the closing Mass for the current Saint Frances Cabrini Parish. A special liturgy is planned and all are encouraged to attend. Also, please plan to join us for the Reception immediately following Mass in the Monsignor Woods Hall.

Farewell to Deacon Lou!

lou and rose (640x360)After 37 years as faithful parishioners of Saint Frances Cabrini, the past fourteen of which were spent serving the community as our beloved Deacon, Deacon Lou and Rose Hoelzle will be opening a new chapter in their lives as they move to a new home and a new parish community closer to their children and grandchildren.

Deacon Lou will be preaching at all the Masses this weekend, as well as speaking at Post-Communion time. Following the 11:00 Mass, there will be a reception in the Monsignor Woods Hall.

Please join us in thanking Deacon Lou and Rose for all they’ve done for our parish and in wishing them well as they continue their deaconate ministry at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Limerick, PA.


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