Camp Cabrini 2019 Planning Meetings

Camp Cabrini 2019 Planning Meetings

Mondays, June 3 and 10

6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Youth Ministry Room

All are welcome.

Volunteers are asked to attend at least one of the two planning meetings.

Prepping for May Procession with PREP

Monday evening, our PREP catechists, aides, and security team met in Church to review the plans for our Parish May Procession. The brief meeting was followed by a reception in appreciation for another year of dedicated service. Everyone is looking forward to gathering again tomorrow, Tuesday, May 7, to honor our Blessed Mother during our Annual Parish May Procession.

Easter Vigil 2019

On Saturday, April 20, Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community welcomed Richard Bolter, Mark Daugherty, and Lindsey Godin to the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil Mass. We have prayed for Richard, Mark and Lindsey all throughout Lent as they progressed through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) in preparation for Baptism. They were accompanied on their spiritual journey by their sponsors Jackie Daugherty, Betty Brooks, and James Gesualdi, as well as Monsignor McCormac, Audrey Wilson, R.C.I.A. Director, and John McClure, Catechist. May God continue to bless Richard, Mark, Lindsey and their families. We look forward to seeing them at Mass on the weekends and at future Parish events and activities. Click here to see pictures from the Easter Vigil Mass.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Countdown

Only 2 days to go!

In today’s celebration, with only 2 days to the parade, the rectory staff sang a little ditty for our Grand Marshal set to the tune of McNamara’s Band. View the celebration!

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Countdown

Having fun waiting for Saturday!

Throughout the week, the rectory staff have been counting down the days to the parade. Yesterday, with only 3 days to go, there was YET ANOTHER proclamation. View the presentation.


2019 Irish Ball

The 31st Annual Bucks County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee hosted the Irish Ball in honor of the 2019 Grand Marshal, Monsignor Michael McCormac. The celebration was held at Falls Manor in Levittown on Saturday, March 2nd. A grand time was had by all!


2019 Adult Faith Formation Lenten Series and Soup Supper

We are happy to announce that during the Lenten Season, our Parish will be having a Soup Supper and Lenten Series for the adults of the Parish. These sessions will be held on four Wednesday evenings during Lent, beginning on Wednesday March 20th and continuing on March 27th, April 3rd, and April 10th. The Soup Supper will begin at 6:00 PM and it will be served until 6:40 PM in the Monsignor Woods Hall.

Following the Soup Supper, from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM in the Monsignor Woods Hall, there will be a Lenten Series entitled No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion. The series is a presentation made available from Ascension Press and the speaker, via DVD, is Doctor Edward Sri. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, No Greater Love is a five-part video series that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. We will study and enter into four parts of this video series. While engaging in this study, we will walk step-by-step with Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Mount of Calvary. Author Edward Sri guides us through the last hours of Christ’s life in this biblical pilgrimage. Every step of the way, biblical experts reveal how Old Testament prophecies, messianic expectations, biblical symbolism, and historical context shed light on the mystery of Christ’s suffering and death. With these insights, we can come to a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s immeasurable and unconditional love which will allow us to draw closer to Jesus.

In this study, we will discover: Click here to read more.

To register online, click here.

Grand Marshal Proclamation

Due to the weather forecast for Wednesday, February 20th, the official proclamation at the Courthouse in Doylestown by the Bucks County Commissioners declaring Monsignor McCormac the Grand Marshal of the 2019 Bucks County St. Patrick’s Day Parade was cancelled. Thanks to the quick thinking of Betty Brooks, 2013 Grand Marshal, and members of the Parish staff, the Proclamation and Bestowing of the Sash still took place.

Click here to view the ceremony and here for Monsignor’s remarks.

Click here to view more pictures of the ceremony.

For more information on the Bucks County St. Patrick’s Day Parade, visit @BucksIrishParade.

Walking with Purpose Cancelled Wed. Jan. 30

The Walking with Purpose Connect Coffee scheduled for this evening, Wednesday, January 30th, is cancelled. We are currently without power. Without knowing when the power will return, and considering the extreme cold temperatures forecast for tonight, the decision has been made to cancel this evening’s gathering.

No Choir Practice Thursday Jan 31


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