Easter Video Series begins Sunday May 10

Starting Sunday, May 10,

7 Days at 7:00 PM

The Arise: Resurrection and Restoration Easter video series breaks open the mystery of the Resurrection of Jesus and his power to bring us new life in the midst of the pandemic. It is also designed to help us transition back into “in person” life in the Church as the COVID19 restrictions slowly lift.  These short videos, given by dynamic local speakers, will offer a teaching on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, its power to restore our lives here and now, and why the “in person” nature of our life as Catholics is so important.


Caitlyn Eisenbrey – May Queen

Hymns of Comfort from Julianna Rifkin

Cantor Julianna Rifkin shares two of her favorite hymns.

SAVE THE DATE! May Procession May 12 at 7PM

Mark your calendar – May 12 at 7:oo PM

Reconsecration of the Nation to Mary

Archbishop Perez calls on the Faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to join in the Reconsecration of the nation to Mary, Mother of the Church, today at 3:00 PM. For more information and to participate, visit https://lacatholics.org/consecration/ or Facebook.com/usccb. Click here for the Liturgy Guide.

Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker – May 1

On the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, we remember the founding members of Saint Joseph the Worker Parish and the priests and religious who served there for so many years. We give thanks to God for the opportunity to continue their legacy here at the new Saint Frances Cabrini Parish. Click here for the Prayer to Saint Joseph the Worker by Pope Saint Pius X.

Message from Monsignor 4/30/2020

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor McCormac!

Monsignor's Message for 4/30/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

Three Hymns by Victor Sorace

Victor Sorace, who serves as cantor for our Parish Liturgies, offers three hymns to lift your spirits during these difficult times.

Life in the Spirit Virtual Conference Starts Friday

Renew and ignite the power of the Holy Spirit within you!

Free 8 week conference for anyone 16 years of age and older. Weekly meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. All sessions will take place via Zoom video conference. Conferencing details will be provided upon registration. To register, please click here.

To learn more about the Life in the Spirit Virtual Conference, please click here.

Renewing our Nation’s Consecration to Mary

Friday, May 1, 3:00 PM

Join Archbishop José Gomez, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and archbishop of Los Angeles, in renewing our nation’s consecration to Mary. We will join the bishops and faithful in Canada as they also consecrate their country to Mary.

This moment of unified prayer will give our Church the occasion to pray for Our Lady’s continued protection of the vulnerable, healing of the sick, and wisdom for those who work to cure COVID-19. Visit https://lacatholics.org/consecration/ or facebook.com/usccb to join the live-stream and pray as one nation on Friday, May 1, at 3:00 PM.

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