Archbishop Perez Pastoral Letter for Pentecost

Click here to read more.

A Memorial Day Reflection

I believe in the sun, even when it’s not shining.

I believe in love, even when I feel it not.

I believe in God, even when He is silent.

Memorial Day – May We Never Forget

Memorial Day is, first and foremost, a day to remember and honor all those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States Armed Forces. We pray God will grant them eternal rest and bring comfort and healing to their families.

Archbishop Perez Letter to Muslim Community

Archbishop Pérez sent a letter to our brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith tradition as they begin the celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

Click here to read the letter.

God Bless Father Caleb Hile!

Click here for more photos from Father Caleb Hile’s Ordination.

Projected Resumption of Public Celebration of Mass!

Great and wonderful news came from the Archdiocese this evening. It is anticipated that Philadelphia and the four surrounding Counties will be moving from the Red Phase to the Yellow Phase of the statewide Re-opening Plan by June 5th and therefore, it is projected that public daily and Sunday Masses will resume on Saturday, June 6th. Of course, we will be following all the appropriate State and Church guidelines.

The rectory staff has been participating in the Archdiocesan webinars as part of the ARISE initiative. We will be participating in the next webinar, which is scheduled for Wednesday morning, May 27th. We look forward to the time when we worship together in person. Let us continue to praise and thank God for His goodness.

Click here to read the Statement from the Archdiocese.

40th Anniversary Thank You from Monsignor

Monsignor McCormac would like to thank everyone for the overwhelming display of love, support and blessings he received last weekend in celebration of his 40th Anniversary of Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood. Please click here to read his message of thanksgiving.

Deacon Caleb Hile Ordination Mass Saturday, May 23, at 1:00PM

Ordination Mass Saturday at 1:00 P.M.

Deacon Caleb Hile, who spent the better part of the past year serving our Saint Frances Cabrini Community while in his final year at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, will be ordained a priest for the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, Saturday, May 23, at 1:00 P.M. (Eastern Time).


Click here for the livestream broadcast of the Ordination Mass.

Please keep this wonderful young man, and the five others being ordained today, in your prayers as they dedicate their lives to God through their service to His Church.

Message from Monsignor 5/21/2020

Check out the most recent weekly message from our pastor, Monsignor McCormac!

Yard Signs for HFRCS Class of 2020

When the schools closed on Friday, March 13, nobody knew the students would not return to finish out the 2019-2020 school year. Our 8th grade students were about to enter into the last portion of their time at Holy Family Regional Catholic School. Most of them have been at HFRCS since Kindergarten, some since Pre-K. They had grown up watching the 8th grade lead the school in many fun traditions and it was finally their turn! All that changed on March 13.

There is no safe way, at this moment, to allow the 8th grade class to have their end of the year traditions. HFRCS is working to make the end of this year special for the class of 2020 and they were able to brighten their day a little last week.

Eighth grade teachers, Mrs. Meredith Konen and Mr. Louis Perry, along with Mr. Snyder, Assistant Principal and Mrs. Haggerty, Principal, delivered yard signs recognizing each 8th grade student! Click here to see the photos of the Saint Frances Cabrini parishioners the day they received their HFRCS Class of 2020 signs.


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