Celebrating Our New Sign

Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor McCormac.

Msgr. McCormac's Message for 8/20/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

Archdiocese Seeks Directors for New Youth Ministry Office

As part of the re-envisioning and re-structuring of youth and young adult ministry, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia seeks qualified candidates for the following positions for the newly created Office for Ministry with Youth and  Young Adults: 1) Director of Ministry with Youth, 2) Director of Ministry with Young Adults and  3) Associate Director of Ministry with Young Adults.

Click here for the job descriptions.

To apply, please  go to https://archphila.applicantpro.com/jobs/

Please direct any questions to the Human Resources Office at 215-587-3910.  Thank you.

A Message of Hope

How many “almosts” have you experienced in your life? Thank God for all your blessings. #faithoverfear

A Message from Ms. Audrey Wilson

A Message from Audrey Wilson on behalf of Monsignor McCormac

Urgent: Regarding Transportation for Catholic School Students

Please ask your state senator and representative, along with the Governor and the Secretary of Education to make sure that transportation is provided for non-public school students for the upcoming coming school year.

School districts are required to provide transportation to both public and nonpublic students, even during the pandemic. Many school districts are moving to online learning for the upcoming school year and there have not been assurances given to nonpublic schools that buses will continue to roll for their students should they continue with in-person learning.

Thank you for your help.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Archbishop Pérez’s Statement Regarding the Explosion in Beirut

Today Archbishop Pérez released a statement regarding the recent explosion in Beirut and its devastating aftermath.

People of good will from around the world have been deeply saddened by the heart wrenching images of utter devastation emanating from Beirut. The explosion that took place on Tuesday in the city’s bustling port resulted in unimaginable loss of life and destruction of property. This tragedy struck a Lebanese people already suffering tremendously from economic hardship, civil unrest, and the snares of the COVID-19 pandemic. In these dire times for the people of Lebanon, I echo our Holy Father’s sentiments expressed at his general audience on Wednesday. Click here to read the full statement.

Pontifical Mission Societies Rosary to End Coronavirus

Join the Mission Societies on THURSDAYS for the

Archdiocesan Rosary to pray for an End to the Coronavirus


Every Thursday at 8:00 PM

through OCTOBER.

For more details and a link to the rosary, visit



Dial: (646) 558-8656

Enter the Webinar ID: 494 480 541

Most Recent Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor!

Msgr. McCormac's Message for 8/4/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor McCormac!

Msgr. McCormac’s Message for 7/23/20 from St. Frances Cabrini on Vimeo.

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