Hallahan and McDevitt High Schools to Permanently Close

After conducting a strategic study of the Archdiocesan system of secondary education that examined current and projected enrollments, student retention rates, regional demographic trends, capacity figures and financial solvency, a recommendation was made to the senior leadership of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia that John W. Hallahan Catholic Girls’ High School and Bishop McDevitt High School be closed at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 academic year. That recommendation was accepted by Archbishop Perez after a thorough review of the analysis as well as consultation with the senior administration of Faith in the Future, Office for Catholic Education and the Archdiocese. As a result, both schools will close permanently following the completion of the current school year.

This information was conveyed to all facets of the Hallahan and Bishop McDevitt school communities before being announced to the general public. Click here for the Archbishop’s statement. Click here to read the news release that was shared with the media by the Archdiocesan Office for Communications and contains further details. Please pray for all those impacted by today’s announcement. Thank you.

Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton

Pray: The Story of Patrick Peyton is a true story of the man behind the famous phrase, “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together.”  Father Patrick Peyton immigrated from Ireland in 1928. Upon his arrival in Pennsylvania, he became a janitor at a cathedral and rediscovered his desire to join the priesthood. He suddenly fell ill, but miraculously recovered after praying fervently for the intercession of Mary, the Mother of Christ. Father Peyton became a tireless missionary, an unlikely hero, and one of history’s greatest advocates for family prayer. 

The film is playing daily at the Water Tower Cinema (Montgomery County). Private group screenings and individual tickets are available. For more information, please visit http://watertowercinema.com/production/pray:-the-story-of-patrick-peyton/.

Message from Monsignor McCormac – 11/12/20

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor!

Saint Charles Seminary Appeal 2020

Message from Monsignor McCormac – 11/5/20

Check out the most recent message from Monsignor!

Archbishop’s OpEd in Philadelphia Inquirer

On Wednesday, November 4th, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments in the matter of Sharonell Fulton, et al. v. City of Philadelphia. This case centers on the right of Catholic Social Services of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to conduct its foster care program in a manner consistent with the tenets of the Catholic faith. That right is enshrined in the founding documents of our nation and protected by the First Amendment.

Archbishop Pérez has written an Op-Ed addressing this critical juncture for freedom of religion in our city and our country. It was published online by The Philadelphia Inquirer on the afternoon of November 2nd. You can find the full text here. Please pray for all those working for a successful resolution to this case.

A Message from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference

We ask for your prayers this week in two important events that figure to have a profound effect on our state and nation.

The first is the election, of course. We ask that you pray for a peaceful voting and vote-counting process, as well as a resolution that we all will accept, even though no election ends with everyone being happy.

Then on Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case that could decide whether or not Catholic Social Services of Philadelphia can continue to provide homes to thousands of foster children, as it has done for decades. The case is also likely to have an impact on religious liberty in America for years to come.

The arguments will be televised in case you would like to watch and we would like your prayers to help bring about a favorable outcome.

The case of Fulton v. Philadelphia involves single foster moms, Sharonell Fulton and Toni Simms-Busch. On Wednesday, Lori Windham, senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, will appear before the Supreme Court to defend the moms’ right to foster children in partnership with their local Catholic agency. In 2018, the City of Philadelphia abruptly ended its decades-long partnership with Catholic Social Services as a result of their religious beliefs that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

A similar policy move by the Wolf Administration two years ago placed restrictions on Catholic adoptions in PA. The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference asked the Administration to reconsider its stance and to provide a religious exemption so that Catholic agencies across the state could continue their adoption and foster care services. We were denied. The move has forced most Catholic adoption services in Pennsylvania to close.

The argument for Fulton v. Philadelphia is scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a.m. and will be televised on C-SPAN.

Archbishop Pérez’s Statement on the Attack in Nice, France

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Regarding Terror Attack in Nice, France

“I was deeply saddened and troubled to learn of the attack that recently took place at Notre Dame Basilica in Nice, France. Terrorist acts of violence, especially within a sacred space, are simply evil. Each life lost was a precious gift from God.”

Click here to read the full statement.

Archbishop Pérez’s Statement on the Death of Walter Wallace, Jr

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Regarding the Death of Walter Wallace, Jr. and its Aftermath

“In recent days emotions have again flared and spilled into the streets in the City of Philadelphia as people collectively struggle with the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Walter Wallace, Jr.  I express my deepest and prayerful condolences to Mr. Wallace’s family loved ones and all of those seeking to cope with a variety of complex feelings at this time.” Click here to read the full statement.

Celebrate the Saints with Holy Family Regional Catholic School

Holy Family Regional Catholic School 8th grade class of 2021 presents a Virtual All Saints Wax Museum.

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