“Father Augustus Tolton and the Black Catholic Experience in America,”

All are invited to virtually participate in a Zoom event entitled, “Father Augustus Tolton and the Black Catholic Experience in America.” This event will feature Reverend Stephen D. Thorne, Pastor of Saint Martin de Porres Parish. Father Thorne will share his reflections on the life of Father Augustus Tolton, the first African-American priest to be ordained in the United States, whose cause for canonization is under way. In sharing Tolton’s story, Father Thorne will also speak about the past and present experience of Black Catholicism in the United States and where he sees new opportunities for growth and renewal in the Church today.

The event is co-sponsored by the Collegium Institute for Catholic Thought & Culture. For more information or to register for the event, please visit  eventbrite.com/e/fathe….

Please Support the Catholic Charities Appeal

Help shine a light of hope into the darkness of our world.

Click here to watch the live stream video of Archbishop Pérez officially kicking off the 2021 Catholic Charities Appeal – Giving Hope to All.
Click here to visit CatholicCharitiesAppeal.org for more information.

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac – 2/4/2021

Check out the latest message from Monsignor McCormac!

Watch for Updates on Pot of Gold Drawing

Currently, the Pot of Gold drawing is still scheduled to be held tonight.

As of right now, the drawing is still scheduled to be held at 7PM this evening. Please watch our website and Facebook page for any updates. Our primary concern is for the safety of the volunteers and those who need to drop off tickets. We will continue to monitor the situation and post updates as appropriate.

Holy Family Regional Catholic School Virtual Tour

In celebration of Catholic Schools Week 2021, take a virtual tour of our wonderful Parish School!

For additional information about Holy Family Regional Catholic School, please contact Jim Downey, Enrollment and Marketing, jim.downey@hfrcs.org, (215) 269-9600.

PREP Classes Cancelled this Week

Karen David Provides Weekly Message

Weekly Message Given by Karen David!

COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Expanded

COVID-19 Vaccine Availability Expanded

Pending Vaccine Availability

Pennsylvania and Delaware recently expanded the availability for the COVID-19 vaccine to include the following groups:

  • Persons aged 65 and older
  • Persons aged 16 to 64 years old, who have at least one of the following chronic medical conditions that poses high-risk for severe COVID-19:
    • Cancer
    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
    • Down syndrome
    • Heart conditions (including heart failure, coronary artery disease, and cardiomyopathy)
    •  Obesity (BMI greater than 30)
    • Sickle cell disease
    • Type-2 diabetes
    • Smoking
    • Immunocompromised due to organ transplant, bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteriods or use of other immune weakening medication (speak with your doctor)
    • Pregnancy (speak with your doctor)

Individuals who fall into the categories listed above are eligible for a vaccine and will have to register at a vaccination site.

Jefferson Health is developing plans to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine to the community based on the vaccine supply that is provided to them by state and local governments. Jefferson Health will be reaching out to current Jefferson Health patients who meet the criteria above to pre-register for appointments.

In the meantime, here are ways you may be able to schedule:

See a list of Pennsylvania Department of Health vaccination sites and registration information.

Individual counties may have pre-registration for residents.

·    Philadelphia

For additional information, you can access Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 information hub: COVID-19 PA Information Hub.

We thank Jefferson Health for sharing this information with our parish community.



Audrey Wilson Gives the Weekly Message

Check out the latest weekly message by Audrey Wilson!

Archbishop Pérez to Launch 2021 Catholic Charities Appeal Mon. 1/25 10:00 AM

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez, I write to share that he will officially launch the 2021 Catholic Charities Appeal (CCA) at a special news conference on Monday, January 25th at 10:00 a.m. The theme for this year’s appeal is “Giving Hope to All.” The Archbishop will announce this year’s fundraising goal and highlight CCA’s critical impact on the most vulnerable and at risk families and individuals in our region.

The announcement will be streamed live on Archbishop Pérez’s Facebook at facebook.com/Archbisho…. All are invited to attend virtually. Kindly consider tuning in on Monday morning

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