Weekly Message by Audrey Wilson

Check out the most recent message by Audrey Wilson!

Archbishop Pérez Sends Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Greetings

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez Sends Greetings to the Jewish Community on the Occasions Of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Jewish Faith Community,

Together with the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I send prayerful best wishes as you celebrate the solemn observances of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur!

I take this occasion to echo the sentiments of Pope Francis, who said, “May these feasts bring abundant blessings from the Eternal One and be a source of intimate joy. May the Almighty, in His eternal mercy, strengthen everywhere our bonds of friendship and the desire to foster constant dialogue for the good of all.”

It is my prayer that these high holy days will be a time of spiritual refreshment and renewed hope.

“Shanah Tovah,” a good year to all!

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez

Archbishop of Philadelphia



“Last week, Hurricane Ida ravaged Louisiana and the Gulf Coast with great loss of life and property. Last night, the Philadelphia region was overwhelmed by its remnants. This morning we awoke to historic flooding not seen in this area for over 150 years.

Many neighborhoods in the City of Philadelphia and our suburban counties have been devastated. Tragically, lives have been lost to this natural disaster. The damage to residential and business property is only now being realized and will be immense in the final tally. At a time when so much hardship has already been created by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are faced with new and difficult challenges.

In the name of the bishops, priests, deacons, and religious of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I express deep gratitude to our law enforcement, fire personnel, EMTs, and other first responders who have worked around the clock at great risk to rescue those who were trapped by flooding. I am also grateful to all those laboring to restore and maintain utilities and road networks for our benefit.

I urge everyone to heed safety warnings being issued by their local authorities. While the flood waters may be receding, the swift currents and debris pose serious danger. Soon, the process of cleaning up and rebuilding will begin. We are a people of hope and we will prevail by trusting in God and caring for one another.

Please join me in praying for everyone impacted by Hurricane Ida wherever it wreaked havoc. May God give them peace of heart in the face of uncertainty and wrap His mantle of protection around all those placing themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe.”

Weekly Message by Audrey Wilson

Audrey Wilson provides the weekly message!

Weekly Message by Hank Wajda

Check out the most recent message by Hank Wajda!

A Visit with Father Fidelis Weber

Monsignor McCormac is visiting Father Fidelis Weber at the Saint Francis Friary in Loretto, PA. Many of our parishioners will remember Father Fidelis from their days at Bishop Egan and CEC, as well as the many times he celebrated Mass here at Saint Frances Cabrini. Monsignor McCormac is there on behalf of our Pastoral Staff and Parish family; assuring Father Fidelis that he is remembered in our prayers.

Celebrate the Launch of Young Catholic Professionals with Archbishop Pérez

The Philadelphia Chapter Young Catholic Professionals

Tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM, young adults throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are invited to gather at the National Shrine of Saint John Neumann with Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez to celebrate the launch of the Young Catholic Professionals chapter in Philadelphia.

This event is free and all are welcome to attend. To register or for more information,  please visit https://www.ycpphiladelphia.org/cpages/home.

Weekly Message by Jean Madden

Check out the most recent weekly message!

COVID19 Vaccine PSA Featuring Pope Francis and Six Bishops from the Americas

Earlier today, the AD Council and COVID Collaborative announced that Pope Francis and six Cardinals and Archbishops from North, Central, and South America worked in collaboration to produce a public service announcement promoting COVID-19 vaccines.

Click here to watch the PSA via YouTube.

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from our Pastor!

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