Exciting News for Our Parish Community

Last Sunday morning at the 9:00 AM Mass, we marked the powerful presence of God-with-us, Emmanuel, by a special communal ritual. This ritual is called the Combined Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens and Rite of Welcoming Candidates for Full Communion. It marks William Condon’s Larry Cook’s, and Rocco Fischetti’s first public declaration of God’s call to follow Christ. It also marks Diana Flounders’ first public declaration of her wish to live as a Catholic Christian.

We encourage all our parishioners to pray for them as they continue in the initiation process over the coming months, and to reach out to them as fellow members of the Household of the Faithful.

Weekly Message by Jean Madden

Check out the latest news in this week’s message!

Weekly Message Trivia Question Winner!

Congratulations to Toni DiPierro!

By correctly responding to Audrey Wilson’s challenge in the Weekly Message to identify the Envisioning Team members who wrote the article on Community in our Parish Bulletin, Toni won a complimentary ticket to the SFC Luau!

Take a break from the snow and cold. Join Toni and other members of the Saint Frances Cabrini Community at the SFC Winter Luau! Click here for more information on the Luau.

To read the articles on our Parish Pastoral Plan, written by our Envisioning Team members, please click here.

Walking with Purpose Returns on Wednesday

All Women Are Welcome to Join Walking with Purpose!

Wednesday Evenings in Msgr. Woods Hall

We are happy to announce that we will continue offering Walking with Purpose on Wednesday evenings, beginning February 2, 9, 16, 23. We will pause in March for Lent, but will resume April 20 and continue May 4, 11, 18, and 25. Sessions will begin at 7:00 PM, end at 8:45 PM. and will be held in the Monsignor Woods Hall. We live in a self-centered culture that all too often leaves us feeling empty and dissatisfied. A fuller view of God and His glory is the perfect antidote, which you will experience when you join us on Wednesday evenings as we explore the series: Beholding Your King.

Sunday 11:00 AM Mass on January 30, 2022

Due to technical issues, we are unable to update the items on our sidebar menu. For your convenience, the Sunday, January 30th, 11:00 AM Mass is available here.

Bishop Paprocki Speaks Out on Protecting Life

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki from the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois speaks out on Protecting Life and stopping the pain of abortion.

Archbishop Pérez Launches the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal!

Archbishop Pérez Launches the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal!

Weekly Message from Audrey Wilson

Check out the most recent weekly message!

Bishops Statements on Situation at Russia Ukraine Border

On behalf of Archbishop Pérez, we are sharing two recent statements issued in response to the developing situation on the border of Russia and the Ukraine.

The first is a joint statement of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops of the United States that was provided to the Archdiocese by Archbishop Borys Gudziak, Archeparch of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Please click here to read the statement.

Additionally, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Chairman for International Justice and Peace, Most Reverend David J. Malloy of the Diocese of Rockford, issued a statement calling for peace in Ukraine. Please click here to read Bishop Malloy’s statement.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Joey C

Saturday, February 12th, 6 PM to 8 PM

For tickets, call 215-757-1314.

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