Archbishop Pérez on the Occasion of Ramadan

Archbishop Pérez recently sent the following letter to the Muslim faith community as it begins the solemn observance of Ramadan.

Dear Friends of the Muslim Faith Tradition,

I extend peaceful greetings as you embark on your month-long vigil of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

In 1985, Saint John Paul II addressed Muslim leaders while visiting Belgium. He said, “As Christians and Muslims, we encounter one another in faith in the one God, our Creator and guide, our just and merciful judge. We believe that God transcends our thoughts and our universe and that his loving presence accompanies us throughout each day.”

I echo those sentiments with deep respect and friendship and offer you my prayerful best wishes as you mark this holy time on your calendar.

May your lives give glory to the Almighty and bring serenity, joy, and prosperity to all those around you.

+Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Funeral Procession for Trooper Martin F. Mack III

This afternoon, the Parish staff took a few minutes to honor Trooper Martin F. Mack III as his funeral procession passed by our parish buildings. Monsignor McCormac was honored to concelebrate the Funeral Mass. Dave Eater, Patrick McGuire, and Rick Tralies were honored to participate in the Liturgy by singing with the Saint Michael the Archangel Choir. May Trooper Mack rest in peace.

Weekly Message by Jean Madden

Check out the most recent weekly message by Jean Madden.

Weekly Message from Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent message from our Pastor!

Joey C at Georgine’s Restaurant on Friday April 22nd

Solemn Act Consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

In response to Pope Francis’ call for bishops throughout the world to participate in a solemn act consecrating Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Archbishop Pérez will be the principal celebrant of a Mass with the Act of Consecration on Friday, March 25th at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter and Paul at 12:05 p.m. Archbishop Borys Gudziak, Metropolitan Archbishop for Ukrainian Catholics in the United States will preach the homily.

The Mass will be streamed live on the Archdiocesan Vimeo website, as well as on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pérez Facebook pages at

Please click here to access the Prayer of Consecration.

Weekly Message by Jean Madden

Check out the most recent weekly message!

Weekly Message by Audrey Wilson

Check out the most recent weekly message by Audrey Wilson!

Spring Forward this Weekend!

Taize Prayer around the Cross

Last night, Taize Prayer around the Cross provided an oasis of peace as we placed all our burdens, sorrows, and pain at the foot of the Cross. We particularly prayed for peace in Ukraine and for the people of Ukraine and Russia. Thanks to Joan Schmidt and Carole Seymour for preparing the environment, Regina Foglia and Julianna Rifkin for sharing their beautiful vocal talents, Dan McCarthy and Audrey Wilson for reading with such passion, Monsignor Michael McCormac for providing the powerful Closing Prayer, Tom Stefanik for his help as Sacristan, and to all who participated in this beautiful form of meditative prayer.

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