Weekly Message by Theresa Leonetti O’Connor

Theresa Leonetti O’Connor hosts Mariann McCormick for this week’s message!

Weekly Message by Joe Dembik

An important message from parishioner Joe Dembik!

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac

View the most recent Weekly Message by Msgr. McCormac

Newly Ordained Mass at St. Charles Seminary

In September, the Newly Ordained Class of 2022 returned to Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary for Mass followed by dinner in the Refectory. Father Tony Schukei served as the main celebrant, and Father Matthew Kuna served as the homilist for the Mass. Father Dominic Winter is in the bottom row of the photo, second on the right.

Blessing of the Animals Tomorrow at Noon

In honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, we will celebrate the annual Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 12:00 Noon, in front of the church, rain or shine.

Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Washington, DC
in honor of

Please click here for more information.

Weekly Message by Theresa Leonetti O’Connor

16th Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass October 1

Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez will be the principal celebrant and homilist with Most Reverend Edward M. Deliman, Retired Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia and Vicar for Hispanic Ministry, as concelebrant.

The gathering will begin with a retreat at 8:00 a.m. at Saint Peter the Apostle Parish Hall, 1039 North Lawrence Street. There will be a procession to the church at 10:30 AM and Mass will begin at 11:00 AM. The day will conclude with lunch at 1:00 p.m. The retreat will be led by Father Gus Puleo, a member of the Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministry Apostolate and Professor at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary.

Representatives from 37 parishes and 2 worship sites in the Archdiocesan Hispanic Apostolate will represent their countries of origin by wearing traditional garments during the opening procession of the Mass. The Hispanic Chorale of Philadelphia, under the direction of Ms. Damaris Thillet, will provide musical selections in Caribbean and other Hispanic rhythms. The group is composed of musicians and singers from throughout the Archdiocese.

All are invited to attend. Participants are encouraged to dress in the traditional attire of their countries of origin.  Lunch will be included.

Archbishop’s Statement Regarding Hurricane Ian

Statement of Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez Regarding Devastation Caused by Hurricane Ian

Residents along the Florida coast have been bracing for Hurricane Ian for some time. Yesterday afternoon, it made landfall. As in Cuba, Ian wrought havoc claiming innocent lives and obliterating homes and businesses in its path. Along with all people of good will, I am deeply saddened by the images of the devastation and the heartbreaking losses suffered by our brothers and sisters in Christ.

In the name of the people of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I pray that God will bring comfort to those in mourning, protect the first responders seeking to aid those in harm’s way, and pour His mercy upon those affected by this natural disaster.

The storm is far from over and unfortunately projected to cause more severe damage. The forthcoming relief and clean up efforts will be monumental in the coming weeks and months. Please be a beacon of hope for those in need by supporting relief efforts.

Mini-Documentary on Philadelphia Permanent Diaconate

Called to Service – The Permanent Diaconate 09.2022 (2160p).mp4 from Office of Permanent Deacons on Vimeo.

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