Weekly Message for January 19th

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Weekly Message for January 12th

Check out the most recent Weekly Message!

March for Life on Friday, January 20

March for Life in Washington, DC on Friday, January 20, 2023

Saint Michael the Archangel Parish is sponsoring a bus for the March for Life in Washington, DC. There are still seats available. If you are interested in reserving a seat or seats on the bus, please call Dave McGovern at 215-206-7038 or Betty Heston at the Saint Michael the Archangel Rectory, 215-945-1166.

URGENT: Contact Your Representative on H.R. 26

Support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

As early as today, January 11, 2023, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Please contact your representative to urge them to vote “yes” on H.R. 26.  This bill requires health care professionals to offer the same level of medical care to children who are fully born and living after a failed abortion as would be appropriate for a premature baby born at the same age.

Please urge your member to help save these vulnerable human beings by offering appropriate medical care.

Click here to read a letter from Bishop Michael Burbidge, the Chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, to the House of Representatives urging members to support this bill.

Annual Winter Luau February 4th 7 PM to 11 PM

Holy Family Regional Catholic School Open House

HFRCS – Our Parish School

Open House – Sunday, January 29th, 11 AM – 1 PM

Come see what Holy Family Regional Catholic School has to offer for your child. To register please contact:

Regan Downey


215.269.9600 ext. 209

Weekly Message by Monsignor McCormac

Check out the most recent weekly message from our Pastor!

Recommended New Year’s Resolution

For many people, going to Mass every weekend and on holy days is an unspoken New Year’s resolution. For those who haven’t been to Mass in a while, we invite you to give this resolution a try. If you have questions or concerns about getting back into the habit of going to Mass, Monsignor McCormac and the Pastoral Staff are happy to chat with you about those concerns. Please join us at the Table of the Lord on Saturday evenings at 5:30 PM or Sunday mornings at 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, or 11:00 AM.

Solemn Funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Watch the Solemn Funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI LIVE!

EWTN will broadcast the Solemn Funeral Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI live from Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome on January 5, 2023 beginning at 3:30 a.m. EST. Pope Francis will be the celebrant and homilist.

The network will broadcast encore presentations of the funeral on January 5th at 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. for those unable to watch the live broadcast. Faithful can watch for free via the EWTN website (www.ewtn.com); the EWTN app on their smartphone; streaming devices such as Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV and others; or on their TV with their cable provider.

Click here to access pertinent information about the Funeral Mass as well as a link to view the Mass booklet online.

Archbishop Pérez’s Statement Regarding the Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Yesterday, Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez issued the following statement regarding the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Along with the people of the Church of Philadelphia and the entire Universal Church, I was deeply saddened to learn of the death Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI this morning. In the midst of great sorrow, we also reflect on the life and ministry of the Pope Emeritus with infinite gratitude. He tirelessly served the Church for over 70 years as a parish priest, professor of Theology, Archbishop of Munich and Friesing, Dean of the College of Cardinals, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Supreme Pontiff. Please click here to continue reading the full statement.

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