Archbishop Pérez’s Passover Letter to the Jewish Community

Archbishop Pérez’s Letter to the Jewish Community at Passover 

Dear Friends in the Jewish Faith Community,

Together with the people of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, I send warm greetings as you celebrate the holy days of Passover!

This great feast commemorates the miracle of divine intervention in an hour of darkness. It reminds us that the God will liberate us just as he liberated the Jews from Pharaoh’s enslavement, and that the pathway to true freedom is guided by the divine.

Borrowing the words of Pope Francis, “May the Almighty bless and accompany the journey of the beloved Jewish People. May the Most High allow us to grow ever more in friendship and to be witnesses of peace and harmony.

Please know of my prayers that these Holy Days will bring you renewed hope, peace of heart, and many blessings.

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

A Message from Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez

Weekly Message by Theresa Leonetti O’Connor

Theresa discusses Holy Week and Easter in this week’s message.

Time to Return Your Rice Bowls

Please place your Rice Bowl donations in the basket located in the vestibule of the church.

Congratulations to Conwell Egan Catholic Chamber Choir

Congratulations to CEC’s Chamber Choir on their Superior rating from Immaculata University!
Through the PMEA (Pennsylvania Music Educators Association), a panel of three college-level judges evaluated the choir on various criteria and gave them a score and a rating. All three judges rated our choir Superior, which is the top rating!
Congratulations to these students and their Choir Director, Mr. Kuchler. Please click here to listen to the selections the choir performed for the panel.

Statement of Archbishop Pérez on Hospitalization of Pope Francis


“I was saddened to see the information released by the Vatican a short time ago that Pope Francis has been hospitalized with a respiratory infection and is expected to remain in treatment for several days. 

I ask the bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and lay faithful of the Church of Philadelphia to join their hearts and voices in prayer for the intention of the Holy Father’s good health. The Universal Church is deeply blessed by his ministry. He is a man of deep compassion, humility, and strength. The Philadelphia region will always share a special bond with Pope Francis in gratitude for his visit to our city in 2015. 

May the hand of God guide those who are caring for our Holy Father and Mary, Help of the Sick, bring him every comfort on the road to recovery.”  

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Weekly Message by Jean Madden

Check out the most recent Weekly Message!

Message of Hope to Our Mother of Consolation Parish

Letter from Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez to the Our Mother of Consolation Parish Community

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

My heart dropped with deep sorrow when I learned of the fire that tore through the Our Mother of Consolation School building on Tuesday afternoon. This moment is challenging in many ways and I know it comes with a great deal of pain and anxiety for all of you.

We join our voices in Thanksgiving to God that no one from the school or parish was injured and for the swift response of the Philadelphia Fire Department. Because of their timeliness and professionalism, the blaze did not spread to the church or other nearby buildings. Our first responders put themselves at great risk to serve us each day and we owe them a collective debt of gratitude.

While this is a difficult time, it is not one of despair. Much work has already been done to provide for the educational needs of school families and to ensure safety on the grounds of the parish.

I spoke to your pastor, Father John Fisher, on Tuesday. I ended that conversation knowing that you are blessed to have his leadership and understanding that the OMC community is a resilient and tight knit one. I know that you will continue working with one another toward recovery and that God will give you strength. You are also not alone. In just the past few days there has been an outpouring of support in so many ways from Archdiocesan offices, neighboring parishes and Catholic schools, local colleges, and civic officials.

The assistance being offered to you now and that you will continue to receive in the days ahead is a reflection of God’s love. That love is a powerful gift that can and will overcome the challenges you face. I am praying intensely for all of you. May God bless you and may Our Mother of Consolation bring you peace.

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

REMINDER: Martha’s Cupboard Food Drive THIS WEEKEND!

Help Martha’s Cupboard help others!

Donations of non-perishable food items, hygiene products, and cleaning supplies can be brought to the vestibule of the church or to the back porch of the rectory. Monetary donations and gift cards are also most welcome and can be put in the collection basket during Mass or dropped off at the rectory at any time.

If you are interested in learning more about the Martha’s Cupboard Ministry or want to become more directly involved in this ministry, please call 215-946-4040 and a member of our Parish staff will put you in contact with a member of the Martha’s Cupboard Core Team.

Annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities and the Deaf Community

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