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The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is pleased to announce that Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez has appointed Reverend Timothy Tarnacki, O.S.P.P.E. as the Director of the Office for Ministry with Young Adults (OMYA). He succeeds Mr. Matthew Davis, who served in this post since November 2020.

In making this appointment, Archbishop Pérez said, “The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is home to a vibrant and passionate young adult community. Over the past several years, the Office for Ministry with Young Adults has worked with great zeal to build a spiritual formation program that engages young men and women from various backgrounds as they work to develop an authentic relationship with Christ.”

I ask the people of our local Church to join me in prayerfully congratulating Father Tarnacki as he prepares to assume his new role. I know that he will help young adults encounter the transformative love of Jesus and inspire them to live a joyful life as a missionary disciple.” The OMYA is part of the Office for Faith Formation for Youth and Young Adults. It was established by Archbishop Pérez in July 2020 to engage and accompany young adults as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) broadly defines young adults as people aged 19-39 who are single, married, divorced, widowed, in college, working,  unemployed, incarcerated, or in military service. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE…

Weekly Message for Sept 14, 2023

Monsignor discusses our need for a better understanding of the Eucharist.

Office for Catholic Education Launches the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process for 8th Grade Students

The Office for Catholic Education is offering a new program, the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process, so families of children attending both Catholic and public grade schools can discover how their child can earn academic scholarships to attend one of the 15 Archdiocesan High Schools at no cost for the family.

Students in 8th grade will have the opportunity to sit for one (1) standardized test (HSPT) and have their scores sent to up to three (3) of the 15 Archdiocesan High Schools of their choice for potential consideration of academic scholarship opportunities.

Students currently enrolled in any one of the 102 Archdiocese of Philadelphia elementary schools or the 14 Independence Mission Schools, will be administered the Collaborative Testing Process in their school building between the testing period of Monday, September 25th and Friday, September 28th. Pre-registration for the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process for AOP and IMS students will not be necessary as these students will provide appropriate information during the testing process.

All 8th grade students attending any Public, Charter, Independent, Private, Online, or Home School settings will also have the opportunity to take part in the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process. All of the 15 Archdiocese of Philadelphia high schools will be offering local testing at their school locations on various dates in the beginning of October where Public, Charter, Independent, Private, Online, or Home School students can sit for testing Families coming from schools in these categories will be required to pre-register for the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process using the registration link below.

To learn more about the Collaborative Scholarship Testing Process, please visit….

Weekly Message for Sept. 7, 2023

Theresa Leonetti O’Connor provides some “food for thought.”

Be Encouraged: Catholic Support for Mental Health Website

We are pleased to share that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia has launched a new website with Catholic resources designed to be of service to people who experience mental health struggles (anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar, etc…). Co-sponsored by the Office for the New Evangelization and the Office for Persons with Disabilities of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, the Be Encouraged: Catholic Support for Mental Health website offers supports that respond to the needs of the whole person, body, mind and spirit.  The Be Encouraged website can be found at:

Weekly Message for August 31, 2023

Jean Madden invites us to reflect on the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Weekly Message for August 24, 2023

Parishioner Kathi Kotchi talks about being an author.

Weekly Message for August 17, 20

Monsignor McCormac discusses our parishioner, Brendan Tufo, as he begins the process of priestly formation at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Watch this week’s message to learn more about this fine young man and please keep Brendan in your prayers.

Man Up Philly Conference March 2, 2024

Save the Date:

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Click here for Early Bird Tickets

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