Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

On Monday, January 20, Americans throughout the country will commemorate the enduring legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is a moment to see each other as one family united in humanity, just as God sees us. We recognize suffering in our family stemming from the mortal sin of racism, and we are called to respond as instmments of peace and healing.

The work of combatting racism follows Christ’s commandment to love one another as He loves us. Dr. King’s faith in Jesus empowered him with the wisdom to speak out against injustice and the courage to fight against it.

We ask God to open wide our heatis, to strengthen our hands to work for justice, and to heal our nation’s deep wounds.

May Dr. King’s life inspire and challenge us to follow his example zealously in the spirit of Missionary Discipleship. May God bless our efforts to drive out sin by spreading the love of Christ!

Most Reverend Nelson J. Perez, D.D.

Archbishop of Philadelphia

Martha’s Cupboard will be closed Monday, Jan. 20th

Martha’s Cupboard will be Closed on Monday, January 20th.


Due to the forecast predicting snow today and the freezing temperatures today and tomorrow, Martha’s Cupboard will be closed tomorrow, Monday, January 20th.

PREP Cancelled Tonight and No PREP on Monday

Sunday, January 19, 2025
Monday, January 20, 2025

Due to the predicted snow, PREP classes WILL NOT meet tonight, Sunday, January 19th. Due to the Catechists Workshop, PREP classes WILL NOT meet tomorrow evening, January 20th.

Weekly Message for January 9, 2025

Monsignor McCormac discusses the plans for the future of the Church in Philadelphia.

Parish-Wide Meeting on Future of Archdiocese

Parish-Wide Meeting on Way Forward

Deacon Jim O’Neill, a member of the Archdiocesan Strategic Team, will facilitate a discussion of the plans for the future of the Church of Philadelphia during a parish-wide meeting on Tuesday, February 11, in Monsignor Woods Hall from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Vision for the Future of the Church of Philadelphia

A New Way Forward

Yesterday, as we celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany on the Feast of Saint John Neumann, Archbishop Nelson Perez released a Pastoral Letter containing his vision for the future of the Church of Philadelphia. I strongly encourage you to use the following links to learn more:

Our Parish will offer a session for parishioners to gather to learn more and to share their thoughts and concerns regarding the future direction of the Church of Philadelphia. Please watch for the date and time for this session. We will also host an Archdiocesan Info Session on Tuesday, March 4th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

With the declining number of priests available to minister to the needs of the faithful in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the increasing number of Catholics drifting away from the practice of their faith, it is obvious that changes need to be made. Entrusting our future to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Archdiocese is introducing an initiative to create a path to a vibrant future. Whether you attend Mass regularly and are actively involved in Parish life or have not been to Mass in a while and have had limited interactions with our Parish Community, I fervently pray that you will accept the invitation to be involved in the discussions regarding the future of our Catholic Church here in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

In the words of our patroness, Saint Frances Cabrini, “May God be with us as we face tomorrow.”


Due to the snow and risk of ice on the roads tonight, PREP classes for Monday, January 6, are cancelled.

The Safe Environment Lessons scheduled to take place this evening will be conducted next week. Please be safe if you need to be outside in this inclement weather.

Martha’s Cupboard will be CLOSED on MONDAY, January 6

In response to the inclement weather forecast, Martha’s Cupboard will be closed on Monday, January 6, 2025. 

Please exercise caution if you need to be outside on Monday.

Weekly Message for January 2, 2025

Monsignor McCormac reflects on the past year as we prayerfully look forward to the future of our Archdiocese. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Saint Frances Cabrini Christmas 2024

On behalf of Monsignor McCormac, Monsignor Magee, and the Pastoral Staff of Saint Frances Cabrini Parish, thank you to all who added such beauty to our Christmas Liturgies. Thank you to those who decorated our church and grounds, to our servers, lectors, cantors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, choir, organists, and to all who participated in each Mass with their full voice and hearts. Mery Christmas!

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