A New Way Forward
Yesterday, as we celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany on the Feast of Saint John Neumann, Archbishop Nelson Perez released a Pastoral Letter containing his vision for the future of the Church of Philadelphia. I strongly encourage you to use the following links to learn more:
- Read the Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter
- Watch the Informational Video
- Check out the Frequently Asked Questions or Submit Your Own Questions by visiting the website, trustandhope.org.
Our Parish will offer a session for parishioners to gather to learn more and to share their thoughts and concerns regarding the future direction of the Church of Philadelphia. Please watch for the date and time for this session. We will also host an Archdiocesan Info Session on Tuesday, March 4th, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
With the declining number of priests available to minister to the needs of the faithful in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and the increasing number of Catholics drifting away from the practice of their faith, it is obvious that changes need to be made. Entrusting our future to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Archdiocese is introducing an initiative to create a path to a vibrant future. Whether you attend Mass regularly and are actively involved in Parish life or have not been to Mass in a while and have had limited interactions with our Parish Community, I fervently pray that you will accept the invitation to be involved in the discussions regarding the future of our Catholic Church here in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
In the words of our patroness, Saint Frances Cabrini, “May God be with us as we face tomorrow.”