SB956 is a “Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania, providing that there is no right to abortion or funding for an abortion.” This bill and the constitutional amendment it proposes are critically needed to allow the protection of the unborn and their mothers now and in the future.
During this Christmas season, we are reminded of the goodness of the gospel and God’s love for this world. Chapter 2 of Luke’s Gospel tells the Christmas story and reminds us of the humble beginnings Christ had as a baby in Bethlehem and of the way Christ made Himself known while still in the womb.
While we celebrate the birth of Christ this holiday season, let us also strive to daily celebrate this gospel and God’s love for each of us. We can do that by not only praying for all preborn children but also praying for mothers and fathers facing unplanned pregnancy, that they may together choose life.
The PA Family team would also greatly appreciate your prayers for wisdom and God’s grace in the coming weeks and months in this effort to pass SB 956.
Please continue contacting your State Representatives and State Senators (even if you have already done so) and urge them to support this crucial amendment. With SB 956, we could create a different future in Pennsylvania. Your voice matters.