Support HB 1827, a bill to help prevent suicide

We are asking you to help us support HB 1827, a bill that we feel is becoming increasingly important in helping to save lives. You will be asking your state senator to support voting the bill out of the PA Senate Judiciary Committee and out of the Chamber during this session.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. Dawn Keefer and is in response to something that actually occurred in her district. A young lady took her own life after receiving encouragement to do so on social media.

HB 1827 increases penalties for individuals who encourage or aide minors–or people with intellectual disabilities–to commit suicide. The importance of this measure has increased in recent months. Reports of suicidal threats and self-harm tendencies among Pennsylvania school children shot up after schools were closed in March, new data from the state Attorney General shows. Our Catholic Charities have also witnessed a spike in the need for mental health counseling.

Please help us support the passage of HB 1827 into law to send a clear message that encouraging troubled minors and the intellectually disabled to commit suicide will not be tolerated in our Commonwealth.

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